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  • Writer's pictureJenna Lambert

Reminder: You are Beautiful, Valued & Eternally Loved.

Remember: You are beautiful. Valued. Loved.

Again: You are beautiful. Valued. Loved. You deserve to feel treasured. Held. Cherished. Respected. Honoured. Beloved.

In a world where Hope is hard sometimes, you are hoped for. Prayed for.

In a world where Love doesn’t win all the time, your life has meaning, purpose; a Divine design.

In a world where worth is measured by doing, sometimes Being is more than enough.

In a world where silence can be deafening, you deserve to feel heard. Appreciated. Understood.

In a world where joy is easily robbed, you deserve to be uplifted. Encouraged. Treated with care.

In a world where kindness isn’t often the first response, you were made to experience empathy. Compassion. Grace.

Your Life is a Light. A spark. A brilliant, unique, eternal flame. Darkness may be everywhere, but you are not alone.

You are beautiful. Valued. Eternally Loved.

Humans don’t get it right all the time - but God does. If you need love right now, if you’ve forgotten, or lost sight of your value, if you need to feel hope - reach out for help. You are not alone.

I’ll say it again: you are beautiful. Valued. Loved. Your life has meaning; a Divine design.

I pray you know it (experience it, embrace it) deep down in your bones. I pray the coldest, hardest, most out-of-reach place in your heart suddenly ignites with an understanding of how Loved you are. I pray you have the courage to be vulnerable, and are emboldened to pursue the kind of life you deserve. I pray your brothers and sisters ally with you and champion for you. I do. God does.

You are beautiful. Valued. Eternally Loved.

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